Weeks 9 & 10

Observing the cultural crop, Solanum aethiopicum, and its significance in Tanzania, Africa.

National Park Region- Serengeti
East Serengeti.

Throughout the Serengeti, I stayed at three different tourist camp locations: East at a private reserve, North near Mara River, and Central Serengeti. The Serengeti National Park exists on stolen land, home to local tribes such as the Maasai. Maasai people have been persistent inhabitants for immemorial existence before the designation of a national park and government control of the land; the Maasai still remain active participants of land stewardship around both the Serengeti and Ngorongoro regions, although, they till face the oppression of ongoing colonialism.

Conservation Area- Ngorongoro Crater

I spent time in the surrounding area of Ngorongoro Crater at an agri-tourism site, Gibb’s Farm. Gibb’s farm is a transformed coffee plantation, now a diverse organic farm residing in Karatu, Tanzania. This lands exists with gratitude to surrounding tribes such as the Maasai and Iraqw. Both Maasai and Iraqw are agriculture centric communities. Herds of cattle, sheep, and goats are necessity to Maasai wealth. Iraqw people rely on land for producing a variety of fruits and vegetables along with some cattle.

Wild Relatives of Eggplant

While on a walk with two people from the local Maasai community, Dickson and William, we came across the bitter fruit, Solanum incanum. I was told Maasai slice this fruit and use it for tooth aches, and it has an extremely bitter taste.

I immediately recognized similar botanical features of Solanum incanum to Solanum aethiopicum. I observed similar leaf shape, flower, and fruit. Leafs velvety with small hairs, petiolate, pinnately veined with shallow lobed margins and ovate blades. Inflorescences have 5 petaled flowers, with superior reproductive organs: anthers surrounding a center pistil. I noticed the downward petals and a protruding center that appears on many Solanaceous crops.

I kept noticing the similarities between the Solanum incanum and Solanum aethiopicum crops- bitter fruits and botanical anatomy- so, I decided to search the two varieties once I had service. Interestingly, Solanum incanum does appear to be a wild relative to cultivated eggplant(Wikipedia, 2024). Apparently, both species even share the same common name ‘bitter tomato’.

Fig. 6
Image comparison of Solanum incanum and Solanum aethiopicum from  Transcriptome analysis and molecular marker discovery in Solanum incanum and S. aethiopicum, two close relatives of the common eggplant (Solanum melongena) with interest for breeding.

As I was researching I came across a genetic analysis between Solanum aethiopicim and Solanum incanum, suggesting interesting interspecific variation.

“. . .the lowest variation was found between S. incanum and S. aethiopicum (15,162 SNVs).”

Gramazio, et al., 2016

Culinary and Cultural Use

I first stumbled upon this crop at dinner when I heard we were having ‘bitter tomato’ with our meal. They were served grilled, whole, with their tops and bottoms sliced off. I asked the camp manager about the bitter tomato naming it an eggplant, he said “no- bitter tomato”. It was clear that ‘bitter tomato’ is the common translation. Then, I asked our tour guide, Hashim, about bitter tomato relating to eggplant species showing him a photo of the Simeon’s White crop that we are cultivating at Evergreen. He confirmed that it is the same crop translated to bitter tomato or ‘nyanya chungu’ in Swahili, also called ‘ngogwe’. He said that the varieties commonly grown appear to be more round rather than oval, and there is likely a variety of modified seeds. Hashim thinks the round fruits are more bitter than ovular fruits.

In culinary uses, Hashim said bitter tomato is often used as an enhancement, due to the intense bitterness. It’s cooked into stews along with sliced okra, carrots or coconut. And, eaten raw! Similarly, I spoke with chefs, Rebecca and Mariam, who said they often prepare the bitter tomato grilled with oil, salt and pepper, for a side serving at the camp meals. Chefs also said it is commonly cooked in a stew with fatty meats, tomatoes, coconut milk, okra, and other vegetables on hand. The chefs store fruits at room temperature in crates on wire racks.

In transit between locations, I observed white-yellow cream, circular-ovular, bitter tomatoes in a couple roadside produce stands throughout Tanzania and Rwanda.

The eggplant was prepared similarly at Gibb’s Farm, called ‘Ngogwe’ on the menu. Very similar flavor and texture but this time, sliced in half instead of grilled whole.

Observing Crops at Gibb’s Farm

Solanum aethiopicum was planted at Gibb’s Farm in two locations; it was below tall tamarillo plants, Solanum betaceum; and, near low growing leafy greens (likely mustard greens). I was pleased to see the intercropping techniques, as well as the lengthy branched plants growing without a trellis needed! It’s intriguing that they were still thriving under moderately shady conditions, below another solanaceous crop, tamarillo. Alike elsewhere throughout this trip, these Solanum aethiopicum varieties appeared to be most morphologically similar to the Solanum aethiopicum var. ‘Simeon’s white’.

Trip Conclusions

Overall, I am deeply appreciative to have experienced this crop in abundance within its cultural home. Maasai’s knowledge guided the opportunity to identify and learn about the indigenous medicine of Solanum incanum, which lead me to research its potential to be a wild crop relative to Solanum aethiopicum. I saw relationships to its African names such ngogwe, nyanya chungu, and bitter tomato. I observed the cultivation of bitter tomato at an organic farm and passing by local produce stands. I learned from local chefs and eaters about typical culinary uses in the Tanzania region of Africa. While in between travel, I was joyed to engage with this crop through its ancestral history, with the many people who recognize bitter tomato in food, garden, or market routines. This trip leaves me with more questions about the cultivar history and genealogy of this crop, to understand its relation to generations of farmers, wild crop relatives, morphological variation, and bitterness genes.


  1. Gibb’s Farm
  2. Transcriptome analysis and molecular marker discovery in Solanum incanum and S. aethiopicum, two close relatives of the common eggplant (Solanum melongena) with interest for breeding.
  3. Wikipedia: Ngorongoro Crater Plants
  4. Wikipedia: Solanum incanum

Week 8

Field Trip: Wednesday, August 14th

Evergreen field trip group with speaker, Khue.

Horseneck Farm tour with Kamal Adhikari Kent, WA
Tukwila Farmers Market and Spice Bridge Food Hall with Khue Tran

“In an effort to protect the farmland that remained, Horseneck was purchased by King County nearly 40 years ago through the Farmland Preservation Program . . . This lease agreement is the start of a gradual process to use the full acreage and uplift marginalized farmers, while keeping the land in full production.”

2021 King County Green: Horseneck Farm: Preserved for Agriculture Now Increasing-Access For Diverse Growers

Horseneck Farm is managed with a unique collaboration of land leasing between King County nonprofits called Food Access and Aggregation Community Team (FAACT), a network of South King County organizations which includes the Seattle International Rescue Committee (IRC), South King County Food CoalitionElk Run FarmFood Innovation NetworkHighline CollegeLiving Well KentWakulima USA, and Shared Soil. Our trip to Horseneck Farm was guided on an informational tour by Kamal, a coordinator with the IRC. Kamal explained that this site encompasses 6 community gardens, 3 market gardens, and serves 200 people- including families. He said these gardens represent 17+ nations, and majority of gardeners are women. Additionally, the IRC’s “New Roots” program connects farmers with market opportunities in other organizations like Pacific Coast Harvest (PCH) and Farmstand Local Foods. These partnerships have provided both sales opportunities and community benefits like supporting local students with farm fresh produce. I find the reciprocal nature of this farm to market approach very profound; for farmers there is the benefit of food sovereignty, economic opportunity, community connection, and mental health support; for community there is the benefit of food sovereignty and affordable produce for marginalized people.

“Food is culture . . . Everyone is a farmer in Bhutan”

Kamal Adhikari

Kamal explained that this space is grant funded, receiving a lot of support from the County. This means, applying for financial support for new infrastructures can be a slower process. Farmers newly have access to a wash station and hope to achieve a cool storage operation, and possibly greenhouse space with support from the County. As of now, Kamal said that farmers can store produce at Cascadia Farm’s cool storage. This visit was truly inspiring and I am hopeful that this land will continue to expand with increasing support for refugees, farmers, and the local community.


  1. Elk Run Farm
  2. Food Access and Aggregation Community Team (FAACT)
  3. Food Innovation Network
  4. Highline College
  5. Horseneck Farm
  6. IRC: New Roots
  7. King County Farmland Preservation Program
  8. Kezama Farm
  9. Living Well Kent
  10. Nemuna Garden and Kezama LLC: Horseneck Farm
  11. Pacific Coast Harvest (PCH) and Farmstand Local Foods
  12. Seattle International Rescue Committee
  13. South King County Food Coalition
  14. Tukwila Farmers Market
  15. Wakulima USA

Week 7

This week, I reviewed the germination paper from last quarter. Aria has been taking germination measurements while I’ve been busy with other obligations.

We also had a meeting on Friday.

Meeting Notes and Facilitation


Based on everyone’s availability we established regular harvest days: Mondays at 11am Thursdays at 11am  The fruit yields are increasing, so regular harvest and monitoring is a necessity. 

Print this Data Collection Sheet for Harvest: Marketable Yield Data Collection Sheet.docx
Send a photo of the data sheets, drop it on discord, or upload data to spreadsheet in the “Yield Data” tab. Summer 2024 Variety Trial, Solanum aethiopicum.xlsx Refer to the “Harvest” tab for procedures. 

Field Trip 

14 Aug Field Trip for the Int’l Rescue Committee’s Food Sovereignty Projects with Kezama Farm and the Tukwila Farmers Market Leaving at 2pm from the Evergreen Organic Farm.


In order to market the garden eggs at The Evergreen Organic Farm Market stand or at the off-site market, we must provide educational materials. On Monday 08/12, students met to draft an informational pamphlet. Also, these can be used for the Culinary Breeding Network “Bitter is Better” Event in December. 
So far, this pamphlet consists of a brief project background, seed origins, variety info, nutrition, recipes, and a qr code link to site. We need one more recipe added, and they must be recipes that we’ve tried. A pamphlet draft will be sent prior to finalizing and print. 

Field Work

Ongoing field work tasks such as pruning, trellising, and weeding. There is trellis twine labeled in the supply shed.

Reminder: I will be out of town and somewhat out of service August 19-September 1.

Week 6

On Friday, Aria and I set up the germination chamber trial.


  1. Count each seed quantity and label the edge of petri dishes with a variety/replication code, using tape and sharpie. 4 repetitions for each variety, total of 20 petri dishes.
  2. Place a filter paper piece in the bottom of each petri dish. Each filter paper should cover the bottom surface area of the dish. With a pencil, label 1-20 for each seed.
  3. Dampen each filter paper by pouring deionized H20 in each petri dish. Swirl each dish so water is evenly coated and let sit to absorb for a few seconds, Pour out any excess standing water by gently tipping the dish.
  4. Place 20 samples of seeds in the designated petri dish, making sure there is no overlapping. 
  5. Every third day, moisten specimens with DI water as needed & record data.
  6. Record BBCH code data for all 20 seeds in each sample. Afterward, count and record frequency per code.
  7. When radicle is present, measure radicle length in mm – from the initial protrusion on the seed to the tip of the root. 
  8. Take a photo and/or draw each code stage.

I formatted BBCH Germination Data Collection Sheets using Excel.

These are intended to be printed and used for real-time data collection. While the following excel document is intended for synthesizing data in excel.

Yield Data

Harvest completed by Sarah D. on 08/01/2024.

Week 5

First Harvest

First harvest completed on 07/26/2024

This week, I made a harvest procedure flow chart and I am working on formatting the data into an excel document.

Week 4

As the quarter progresses, I am shifting gears from field work, to lab work, written documentation and analysis. On Friday, I joined a zoom call with Marilyn, from WSU extension, for lessons on educational materials. Marilyn shared a variety of helpful resources and examples that have been used to market vegetables and farm shares. Afterwards, the student group met to collaboratively work on our WordPress sites, as well as update each other on our individual work.

Germination trial supplies from the Science Support Center.

Additionally, I was able to pick up materials for the germination chamber trial from the Science Support Center on campus: 20 glass petri dishes, mm. rulers, and filter paper.

Also, I finally got around to planting the extra Solanum aethiopicum varieties at my personal farm-site, in East Olympia. Eggplants were planted 18 inches apart on 07/14/2024 in a high tunnel environment. Interestingly, these eggplant have done remarkably well in their 4 inch pots from the original transplant in spring. I did do a foliar spray with a fish emulsion fertilizer during week 1. Even during multi-day heat waves 88 °F weather, plants appeared have wilting leaves, yet persisted to fruit and set new growth in the following days, without increased watering.

Solanum aethiopicum var. Zebra.

Also, professor Ben implemented biological control on Friday, July 19, with nematodes. This is a preventative for pest control.

Nematodes used on 07/19/2024

Week 3

This week we met twice, Wednesday with faculty sponsors, and Friday for field work. Flea beetles were observed in early July, and Surround WP was applied as a preventative and protective barrier against pest damage and infestation.

Pests have the potential to spread disease, damage plants, and decrease harvest yields.

The plants were trellised using the basket-weave method. Stakes were placed and string was reinforced at every four plants; then, twine was weaved at height 6 inches from the soil.


Nitzsche, Peter, et al. “The Stake and Weave Training System for Tomatoes in the Home Garden.” FS1102: The Stake and Weave Training System for Tomatoes in the Home Garden (Rutgers NJAES), Rutgers, New Jersey agriculture Experimentation, Aug. 2009, njaes.rutgers.edu/FS1102/. 

Week 2

This week, we had a group meeting on Friday to check in about our specialized projects. There are a variety of student interests including: germination variety trials, culinary arts, education, ethnobotany, illustration, nutritional analysis and statistical analysis.

I’ve also spent time formulating more resources and filling in the new research members about the field plan. Upcoming field plans include: pest & disease monitoring, weeding, pruning, trellising, and harvest.

I was inspired by reading other studies like : A review on post-harvest technology of an underutilized vegetable bitter tomato (Solanum aethiopicum L cv. gilo) of Northeastern region of India (Jamir, et al.) to make a graphic communicating the methods in a procedure. In this graphic, field management is defined by the time in between planting and harvest.

Harvest planning

We also discussed harvest procedures. For experimental purposes, it will be necessary to keep individual replication yields separate. I am predicting that we can use flat crates and separate 3-4 varieties in each crate. Each replication will need to be individually weighed and then documented a cull (total weight of all replications per variety). Unmarketable crops will need to be set aside prior to weighing.

Infographic depicting post-harvest care practices from a study based in Northeastern India. A review on post-harvest technology of an underutilized vegetable bitter tomato (Solanum aethiopicum L cv. gilo) of Northeastern region of India (Jamir, et al.)


Jamir, Satemmenla, et al. “Bio-Conferences.” Amity Institute of Horticulture Studies and Research, Amity University, 2024, www.bio-conferences.org/articles/bioconf/pdf/2021/11/bioconf_mtsitvw2021_02006.pdf. 

Week 1

Fruit beginning to form! Observed on 06/28/2024

Communications & Planning

This week, we met on Monday to discuss potential plans for the summer quarter. This quarter there is a team of six, including myself, working with the Solanum aethiopicum variety trial. Two of my main focuses this summer will be statistical analysis and scientific writing for the yield and germination data. Also, field observation and facilitating group meetings.

In order to stay on track for the data analysis, I started the process of reserving space for the germination study this week. I hope to connect with the Science Support Center on campus during week 2 and begin the two-week study ASAP.

I also compiled a list of potentially relevant resources for the group to review throughout the quarter.