Lewis Conservation Prairie Habitat Restoration:Summer

Cody Philpot

Week Nine: The Blue Week

A partner of Ecostudies Institute has been collecting and analyzing climate and weather data on JBLM for years and has noticed a trend of either precipitation or high relative humidity every single year during the second week of August. She… Continue Reading →

Week Eight: Autumn Preparations

Monday and Tuesday were spent working in the office. I spent both days plugging away at at the shrub guide we will be using for the future. I really expected this to be a much quicker process, but unfortunately most… Continue Reading →

Week Seven: Fence Building and Bushwhacking

This week was a little shorter, but we still managed to get a good amount of very tiring work in. Monday and Tuesday we worked on one of our smaller properties. This is a five acre site in Littlerock that… Continue Reading →

Week Six: Hawthorn and Hornets

Week six was a busy one! We started off with an office day on Monday due to the rain. We don’t mind working in the rain, but we were taking an office day on Tuesday anyway, so it made sense… Continue Reading →

Week Five: Thorns and Briars

My first full week of working with Ecostudies Institute was a good one. Not much has changed honestly, but i do have more clear definition of what I’ll be doing and have chosen my project to help with. I already… Continue Reading →

Week Four: Seeds of Change

This week was a bit of a different one. Monday and Tuesday were my last days at Lewis Conservation District. I have officially shifted my Internship over to Ecostudies Institute, where i will be focusing on conservation grazing on their… Continue Reading →

Week Three: Heat Wave

This week is basically a wash due to the heat advisory. Most crews aren’t going out, and if they are it’s for very short periods of time. Monday was spent in the office at LCD mostly touching up some internship… Continue Reading →

Week Two: The Bear Whisperer

This was a short week with 4th of July, but it was spent entirely with Ecostudies. It was also my first week with any significant amount of herbicide application. I have been anti-herbicide for quite a while, but things are… Continue Reading →

Week One: Frogs and Pollinators

Week one! This week was spent doing vegetation monitoring on a few areas we haven’t touched yet and some super fun training with a pollinator focused non-profit. Monday started with finishing our monitoring at a Tenino based farm. We had… Continue Reading →

Week X: The In-between

My year long internship will be a continuous work schedule, even between quarters in the breaks. It’s nice to have some time off from writing, but it would be great to get a little time off from work to decompress… Continue Reading →

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