This has been a chaos quarter, and I’m really struggling. We’ve lost horses, my horse got hurt, my kids got sick, then I got sick, and THEN I got a few foster bottle baby kittens to take care of… On top of it all, my boss/SIL went on vacation and left me with way more commitments than I actually have time for with school being my priority. She’s back, and as soon as my other SIL gets home from her vacation, it’s my turn… I hope?

After Winter Quarter, I am done! I will have completed all of my requirements for my Bachelors. I thought I had more credits left to go, but when I looked at it, it’s so close, and then the graduation email came in and blew my mind. I’m trying to stay in the moment, and keep going with everything that I need to focus on in this quarter. My work has been subpar, but has fulfilled the hour requirements for my ILC, but even so, I feel like it’s not my best work and I’m not happy with it, so the second half of the quarter will be a lot more focused on getting things to where I want them.

Time to actually evaluate my Learning objectives:

Student will complete project in learning and understanding intricacies in raising and processing animals for meat.

Killed it. Pun really not intended, but then I chuckled, so it’s staying. I got the birds dispatched and processed and put in the freezer! I got my report updated, and I know that 10 at a time is a really good number. I would like to start earlier in the year though.

Student will learn what is required for starting and maintaining their own market garden farm and CSA farm share, as well as learning how to preserve and process vegetables grown for personal use and storage.

This years practice CSA was a huge success, and I am thrilled to do it again, hopefully in a larger scale next year. I’m also thrilled with the amount of vegetables in my freezer.

I’m using the sheep to help fertilize the garden, and then I will do a soil test in the early spring before amending the soil prior to planting again. The fall planting is going well, and we have multiple things started for the winter garden.

Student will include reading material and book reports to enhance understanding of gardening, farming, and soil practices

I am working through finishing my first book, and then plan to go through at least one more before the end of the quarter. I will also be looking into more planning publications to help me finish the planning of the garden.

Overall, I know I’m doing good work, but I’m struggling with it being enough.