Student Info

Name: Natalie Arneson
Term: Winter
Credits: 12
Title of ILC: Feeding the Diaspora: the Foods that Make Communities

Faculty Sponsor

Faculty Sponsor: Professor Sarah Williams
Title: Faculty
Organization: The Evergreen State College


Name: Therese Saliba
Title: AVP IESS Student Success
Organization: The Evergreen State College

Field Supervisor

Field supervisor: Michael Richards
Title: Editor-in-Chief
Organization: The Cooper Point Journal

Program of Project Description

For this Winter 2023 contract entitled Feeding the Diaspora: the Foods that Make Communities, the student will aim to investigate and answer the question ‘do the foods we cook create a culture all their own?’ through the student’s own introspective study by reading and cooking through Dok Suni; Recipes from My Mother’s Korean Kitchen by Jenny Kwak, by crafting two analytical papers throughout the quarter, and by writing for—and editing submissions for—the student’s column “Feeding the Diaspora” at The Evergreen State College’s student newspaper the Cooper Point Journal. Through this work the student will also focus on building their skill in food writing—specifically journalistic and analytical writings—with the intention of continuing this ILC into Spring 2023, culminating in the student’s Senior Capstone Project.

The two analytical papers will focus on the following readings; What We Hunger For: Refugee and Immigrant Stories about Food and Family edited by Sun Yung Shin, selections from Food for Our Grandmothers: Writings by Arab-American and Arab-Canadian Feminists; pp. 7-17, pp. 24-29, pp. 65-86, and Tastes Like War by Grace M. Cho. Reflections on the student’s program work will be uploaded to a WordPress website that will act as the student’s ePortfolio. To support this work, the student will also attend the Stories of Food, Food as Story 4-session project-based workshop to explore history and cultural heritage through food traditions, organized by Window Seat Media. The student will document their experiences in these workshops on their WordPress ePortfolio.

Learning objective
 Gain beginner proficiency in using Adobe InDesign. Through the student’s work at the Cooper Point Journal they will help with the layout of the paper using Adobe InDesign. A field supervisor at the Cooper Point Journal will be appointed and report on the student’s progress to the faculty sponsor.
 Demonstrate a clear growth in analytical writing. The student will produce one, 10-page minimum, analytical paper by Week 10 of the quarter, analyzing how the program texts and other reading and researched materials demonstrate the relationship between food and culture. The student will write response papers for their readings, to be reviewed by faculty, culminating in a final 10-page minimum analytical paper to be turned in for editing Week 8 of the quarter, and a final draft turned in for review by Wednesday of Week 10.
 Beginning work for the student’s Senior Capstone Project. Throughout the quarter, the student will cook various recipes from the cookbook Dok Suni by Jenny Kwak and documenting the experience of making, eating, and sharing these recipes. These reflections will be uploaded onto the student’s WordPress website.The faculty sponsor and subcontractor will review new posts by the student as they are uploaded and provide feedback.

Evaluation of Work

  • WordPress ePortfolio
  • Final week ten presentation
  • Narrative evaluations from field supervisor and/or subcontractor
  • Narrative mid-quarter and final self-evaluations