Familias Unidas por la Justicia (FUJ) is a farmworker union based in Skagit county, WA.

Excerpt from their facebook page: FUJ is “the only labor union led by over 400 indigenous Mixteco and Triqui farm workers. They labor in the industrial agricultural farms hand harvesting strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries as well as flower bulbs, cutting broccoli, cauliflower, harvesting cucumbers and other agricultural tasks such as pruning and milking in dairies and greenhouses.” 

Formed in 2013 when workers at Sakuma Bros Berry Farm were fired after asking for fair pay and work conditions, the union led strikes and boycotts of Driscolls berries for four years until they were officially recognized by the company. Familias Unidas por la Justicia have not only created a more just work environment for their own members, they’ve also done incredible work supporting other unionizing efforts, and providing education on a variety of fronts: from providing COVID resources to testifying in support of radical change in the agriculture industry and beyond. In addition, members of FUJ started a worker-owned berry cooperative called Tierra y Libertad, after the revolutionary practice of Emiliano Zapata and the Mexican Revolution.  Familias Unidas por la Justicia Website

David Bacon article:


Fired just for asking for a raise, Washington farm workers organize

Boycott Sakuma video:

Boycott Driscolls:

Workers Who Pick Your Summer Berries Are Asking You Not To Buy Them