Farmworker Justice Day 2021

ZOOM Recording:
Preparing for Farmworker Justice Day ask, 2021
Please take the time to look at our Preparing for Farmworker Justice Day 2021 page, and note the additional educational resources provided throughout the site. This is a crucial way to honor the farmworkers who will speak, by saving them some of the educational labor.
Arts Lecture Series
The President’s Equity Fund
Masters of Environmental Studies (MES)
Center for Community Based Learning and Action (CCBLA)
Climate Justice and Resilience Speaker Series
Deans Match
The Academic Programs:
(Spanish Speaking World, Food, Health and Sustainability, SOS CCBLA, Terroir/Merroir, Public Health and Pathophysiology of Nutritionally Related Diseases, Advanced Projects in Media, Gateways for Incarcerated Youth and Community Food Systems: Worker Cooperatives and Food Justice )
Call to Action from 2021: Oppose the Farm Workforce Modernization Act

Community to Community and many other farmworker justice organizations are in firm opposition to the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, and we stand with them! This bill, disguised as a “path to citizenship”for farmworkers, would expand the exploitive H-2A guestworker program and establish the E-Verify system for the surveillance of workers’ documentation-status. ALL farmworkers deserve the right to citizenship, protection, dignity, human rights, and food sovereignty– and a long path to citizenship with many strings attached and that only applies to some workers will never be the answer.
Here is an excerpt from the C2C facebook page: “C2C OPPOSES the Farm Workforce Modernization Act (HR-1603) – even the name is bad. We support comprehensive immigration reform that keeps families together and provides real opportunity for a better life. This bill does not – call your Congressional representatives and stop this bill from moving forward to the US Senate! Demand legalization for farmworkers now – not after years of indentured servitude to agricultural corporations.”
You can also sign your name in opposition of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act here.
David Bacon article:
‘Close to Slavery’ or Legalization? The Farmworkers’ Hard Choice
Familias Unidas por la Justicia position statement on the Farm Workforce Modernization Act (FWMA):
Familias Unidas Initial Position on the Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019
Alianza Nacional de Campesinas statement on FWMA:
Food Chain Workers Alliance opposition statement to the FWMA:
Food Chain Workers Alliance and Our Farmworker Members Oppose the Farm Workforce Modernization Act
Davis Cohen article:
The H-2A Farmworker Program’s False “Compromise”