Farmworker Justice & COVID-19: impacts and response

Victor Gonzalez, Patrica Maya, Lupita Barba Cervantes, Esther Perez, Lucy Madrigal and Arely Dominguez operating a vaccination clinic for farmworkers at La Venture Middle School in Mount Vernon. Photo credit: Jacqueline Allison / Skagit Valley Herald, article below.
C2C Promotoras Help Vaccinate Workers in Skagit County:
Pop-up clinic vaccinates 200 Skagit farmworkers
The COVID-19 Farmworker Study
Excerpt from the website: The COVID-19 Farmworker Study (COFS) will provide critical missing information on farmworkers’ abilities to protect themselves and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study brings together a collective of community-based organizations, researchers and advocates to reveal information that can only be gathered directly from farmworkers who have been working during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Workers’ Memorial Week: Article by Former Faculty Lin Nelson
This article from The Stand focuses on “Workers’ Memorial Week: Remembering, honoring and strengthening resolve in support of workplace safety and health“.
La Via Campesina article:
Friends of the Earth International Video Series:
Excerpt from the FOEI website: “The COVID 19 pandemic has shown that the need for food sovereignty and agroecology is no longer up for debate. Local agroecological food systems and short supply chains have proved resilient and innovative during worldwide lockdowns. In contrast, industrial food systems built on global supply chains are fragile, relying on the exploitation of workers and food producers, and contributing to the destruction of ecosystems which created the conditions for the coronavirus pandemic. COVID 19 has only highlighted existing injustice and inequality in the industrial food system.”
View here through the Friends of the Earth website: Food Sovereignty for a Just Recovery From COVID-19
Or here as a youtube playlist: