2024 Replicated Variety Trials at the Evergreen State College Organic Farm: Solanum aethiopicum 'Gilo'

A Food and Agriculture Capstone

Week 10

Monday Transplanting day! Cool, raining, muddy… The seedlings have been moved to the field and transplanted; we held off on…

Week 7

Weekly Group Meeting – Monday, May 13th Laura, Aaron, Oonaugh, and I met between 3:30 and 4:30pm at the farm…

Week 6

Aphids and Safer Soap Treatment – Wednesday, May 8th On Wednesday I was able to finally treat our seedlings with…

Week 5

Weekly Group Meeting – Monday, April 29th Laura, Aaron, and I met between noon and 1pm at the farm to…

Week 4

Weekly Group Meeting – Monday, April 22nd Our research group meets weekly to discuss the project as a whole, schedule…

Week 3

“Orient Express” Check Variety Vigor Data Collection – Monday, April 15th On Monday afternoon we held our weekly group meeting…

Week 2

This week our group made great strides in establishing a firm schedule for data collection, decided on directed readings, met…

Week 1

Our group of student researchers met on Tuesday, April 2nd to establish a plan for week one, which included our…