Student or Group Info

Name(s): Sarah Dyer
Term: Spring 2021
Credits: 4
Title of ILC or Group Project: Co-Curricular Community Garden Stewardship

Field Supervisor

Name: Dr. Sarah Williams
Title: Faculty
Organization: The Evergreen State College


Name: Dr. Steve Scheuerell
Title: Faculty
Organization: The Evergreen State College

Program of Project Description

Narrative: Throughout this in-program ILC, Co-Curricular Community Gardens Project, I will be working alongside peers through collaborative planning and management of the campus Community Gardens to grow diverse, organic vegetables. I will learn the process of planning for a growing season and the implementation of those plans in actual garden plots at the Evergreen State College. In the co-curricular model that is being developed the plots will be managed by several students, and produce from the garden will be utilized in future academic programs. I will meet with my peers and Terroir/Meroir faculty two times a week during which I will tend and manage the collaborative community garden plot. Additionally, I will collaborate with Ashley Lewis on a project surrounding the Three Sisters method.

Learning objective
Collaborative stewardship of a community garden plot with the goal of supplying tasting subjects for the Fall 2021 Terroir/Merroir program. Bed preparation, amending,  seeding, transplanting, weeding, trellising, harvesting, and all-around plant care. Notes and progress posted to an ePortfolio with weekly blog posts and consistent documentation.
Collaborative hands-on application of indigenous planting techniques. Developing a Four Sisters garden with Ashley Lewis working from the Three Sisters method of intercropping, utilizing corn, beans and squash, and sunflowers. Notes and progress posted to an ePortfolio with weekly blog posts and consistent documentation.
Research and preparation for working in a diverse Organic vegetable garden, with special focus on indigenous intercropping methods. Researching related readings and films surrounding vegetable gardening, indigenous intercropping traditions, and the Three Sisters method texts will include Buffalo Bird Woman’s Garden: Agriculture of the Hidatsa Indians by Gilbert Wilson and The Market Gardener by Jean-Martin Fortier. Notes and progress posted to an ePortfolio with weekly blog posts and consistent documentation.

Evaluation of Work

  • WordPress ePortfolio
  • Final week ten presentation
  • Narrative evaluations from field supervisor and/or subcontractor
  • Narrative mid-quarter and final self-evaluations