Student Info

Name: Zoe DeWitt
Term: Winter 2022
Credits: 6 credits
Title of ILC or Group Project: An Exploration in Herb Garden Management and Usage


Sponsor: Sarah Williams
Organization: Evergreen State College

Program of Project Description

Narrative: In this in-program project titled An Exploration in Herb Garden Management and Usage, the student will learn about the maintenance and usage of herbal plants through hands-on leadership in the Evergreen herb garden, along with individual research and participation in an herbalist series. The student will document their work on a WordPress website where weekly posts of progress in the herb garden, as well as research and photos, will be posted. Texts that will be studied include: The Evergreen Herbal by Tari Gunstone, The Herbalist’s Way by Nancy and Michael Phillips, and Nose Dive by Harold McGee. 

Learning objective
To learn about herb care and management in the context of the Evergreen herb garden I will work with the farm manager each week to create plans for work within the herb garden, and I will take a leadership role in presenting and carrying out these plans during class on Mondays. I will also work through Tari Gunstone’s The Evergreen Herbal, along with other resources, to learn about the best practices for herb care and maintenance. Weekly WordPress posts with write-ups of work plans/progress within the herb garden, along with write-ups of research done on herb care
To learn about herb harvesting and usage outside of the herb garden setting I will participate in Wintergreen Botanicals Home Herbalist Series every other week, starting January 18th. I will also further my learning from this series through outside research on medicinal, spiritual, and cultural uses of herbs Weekly WordPress posts with write-ups on my work and learning through the series and personal research
Participation in modules of the Taste: What We Hunger For program I will participate in the Community Gardening, Food Seminar, Scholarly Ingredients, and All-track modules of the Taste: What We Hunger For program Weekly OneDrive submissions/Wordpress write-ups

Evaluation of Work

  • WordPress ePortfolio
  • Final week ten presentation
  • Narrative evaluations from sponsor
  • Narrative mid-quarter and final self-evaluations