
History of the Evergreen Herb Garden

  • Herb Garden Overview – highlights the history and general overview of the Evergreen herb garden
  • Spring ’21 – highlights the work of Alegra Sky in the herb garden during her final quarter at Evergreen in the spring of 2021
  • Fall ’21 – highlights the start of my work in the herb garden during the fall of 2021

General Herbal Information

Printed Sources:

  • The Evergreen Herbal, Tari Gunstone
  • The Herbalist’s Way, Nancy and Michael Phillips
  • Physician’s Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines, Medical Economics
  • The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Third Edition, Michael T. Murray and Joseph Pizzorno
  • The Complete German Commission E monographs, Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines, Mark Blumenthal
  • The Herbal Medicine-Maker’s Handbook, James Green

Online Sources:

Other Sources Used In This Project:

  • Nose Dive, Harold McGee
  • Tasting Difference, Gitanjali Shahani