sally may cry

“We create on-trend ethically sourced clothing.”

Sales Plan:

Our customers find us online, either through an ad or from our interactive content, which is hopefully where their interest is piqued. Then they will be directed to our website to scroll through our clothing selection or download the app where they can experience our interactive content. After learning about our company and browsing our clothes they will be lead to adding clothing to their wish list or shopping cart. Here they will purchase clothing from us. Once the clothing is worn and they no longer want the product for any reason, they’ll be encouraged to send back items to receive an incentive to buy new clothing from us. Their clothes are mailed in and if we don’t want to resell their items then the customer has the option of mailing their clothes back to them or to have them donated.

Competitive Advantages

  • Combine trendy with sustainability
  • We’ll buy and resell your clothes for a more sustainable and affordable fashion line. As well as dipping into the very profitable re-sale market.
  • Strong brand image with lots of new and exciting interactive content
  • more affordable than competitor with cool sustainable clothes which are at least $300
Closing the Loop