Image Gallery

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Sheep fleece that has been washed and is drying in the sun.
The loom that the Fiber Arts Studio has generously allowed me to check out for this project. It is a 4-shaft LeClerc Nimbus. The cardboard is to protect it from my pet rabbits.)
Slowly but steadily I spin the 4,000 yards of yarn needed for my project. I’m spinning on a Kromski Fantasia wheel.
This is all of the yarn that I have spun in fall and winter quarter – 1,898 yards. I’ll have to buy the yarn for the warp, but I can say that the entirety of the weft will be handspun.
All of my yarn after dyeing. The purple is from an overdye of cochineal and woad.
Weaving is much quicker than spinning. I wove nearly 42 inches after about 15 hours.
Right around when I finished the second panel, I realized that I wasn’t going to have enough weft to weave the other two panels. It turns out my textile didn’t want to be a chiton, it wanted to be a himation, which is a very long rectangular piece of fabric that would have always accompanied a chiton. I decided to dress the loom again and only weave with my blue weft until it was used up to create a middle panel. It didn’t take long – the middle panel is less than two feet.

*** I forgot to take pictures of the himation once I sewed all of the pieces together and hemmed it. I’m so sorry!

A close-up of the himation. I feel you can really see the handmade nature of it here.