Half way! It feels like we have done so much but we have so much more to do in the coming weeks. We need to do some more trelicing, this process was started in week 4 along with pruning and over all observation of the plants. This week I continue research and start writing my paper! And here is an update on my research notes
Ethnobotanical charatirization of gilos
- Use of traditional knowledge to learn about the plants (talking to locals and farmers in the areas its traditionally grown)
- Its indingous to afriacan countries but has been spread to Brazil and the Caribbean
- Has many health benefits that are amplified with near daily consumption. The Igbo people of Nigeria eat this plant in almost every meal to help with eyesight. Further studies have been contducted shwoing that consumption of Gilos can benefit glacouma patients. Frequent consumption of this plant can lower blood pressure and prevent heart disease (two large health issues in america)
I have also been debating the format of my paper. I am not sure if a literature review is what is best for me. Here is another idea I have for my paper.
Botany of the plant
- Different parts basic functions
- Where its grown
- Nutritional info
- Basic description about varieties we are growing
Why it’s important to grow
- Food security and ECVs and other cultural foods
- Health benefits