Week 3

This week was very tiring with lots of work in the hot sun. This week started with a meeting discussing our plans for the week and the weeks coming up. Me and Aria are working together for some parts of the art and marketing but also doing our own separate things. I started finalizing the idea for my paper on the ethnobotany of Gillos. On Friday me and Aria got started on making the sign for the plot. We could not find any white paint, so we had to settle for a light purple. This will work better. I think true white paint might have been too harsh in the sun especially with the near direct sunlight our plot gets.  

Study Buddies! (picture taken by fellow researcher Aria)

I also spent time this week working on reading Sara Dyers literature review as this is how I want to format my paper. Me and Aria also discussed creating a documentation protocol for the plants. This would cover what we want to look for like pest damage, flowering, overall, just how the plants are growing.  

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