My research on transnational inclusivity in progressive food movements began in the Fall as an in-program ILC. Here is a link to the site documenting that quarter’s work. There is also a link in the main menu of this site which will lead you there as well.

I am writing the paper according to the Learning Objectives outlined in the Fall Quarter ILC Contract. When I use the term “LO” followed by a number, I am referring to the order in which the learning objectives appear on the contract.

The boiled-down version of what this project has looked like for me over the past academic year is as follows:

Fall Quarter:
I conducted a literature review of the material I thought might be salient to the topic I had proposed. I looked for articles, books, and documentaries related to food systems, Filipinx foodways, cultural/culinary identity, briefly examining each one to determine its relevancy. This process was documented in “Project Weekly” posts, which can be found under “Posts” in the main menu of the site.

Winter Quarter:
Work on the project this quarter was relegated to a final paper for the Comparative Eurasian Foodways program. I engaged more fully with the sources I had gathered, along with a few new ones, in order to write what I envisioned as a sort of introduction to the paper I would write for the end of the year.

Spring Quarter:
During this quarter I have been assembling the culminating research paper. My work in the Spring falls under a four-credit in-program ILC, with the same title as the Fall quarter. My goal is to produce a 25-30 page paper that represents the work that I have done over the course of the 2019-2020 academic year.

This is all in addition to the work I did as “Chef TA” for the Comparative Eurasian Foodways: Immigrant Experience program, which you can find here.