
 Multi-Quarter Overview

This multi-quarter, multi-student project, titled “2024 Solanum aethiopicum ‘Gilo’ Variety Trial at the Evergreen Organic Farm”, is designed to evaluate four varieties of S. aethiopicum ‘Gilo’ in the categories of germination, vigor, insect and disease resistance, yield and marketability, and flavor. Specific learning objectives are to study the design and implementation of variety trials, to establish parameters and rubrics for evaluating S. aethiopicum ‘Gilo’, to learn how to assess selected varieties for insect and disease resistance, to collect data regarding yield and marketable yield, to assess the possibilities for marketing ‘Gilo’ in our area, to create educational materials for customers of the farm, and to establish tasting protocols to be utilized when evaluating crops for flavor.

Students will utilize a selected field at the Evergreen Organic Farm to create a replicated variety trial for S. Aethiopicum ‘Gilo’ and assess the suitability of the selected varieties for the climate and the farm. Students will design, implement, manage and monitor a replicated field trial for selected varieties of ‘Gilo’.

Spring Overview:

Students will study replicated variety trials, specifically variety trial design, and will plan the design of the Solanum aethiopicum ‘Gilo’ variety trial at the Evergreen Organic Farm; students will produce a cited report on the variety trial design, accounting for methodology across several different variables, such as plant spacing, trellising, soil amendment, mulch, and irrigation.

Students will design and implement a germination study and a vigor study surrounding the ‘Gilo’ varieties being grown in the trial. Students will produce a cited paper for each study, focusing on methodology and findings.

Students will complete a literature review, which could cover botanical information, cultivation, agricultural best practices, pest pressures, and disease issues surrounding the selected crop. The student will demonstrate familiarity with the topic and its scholarly context.

In addition to meetings to discuss work with faculty, the student will post weekly progress to the project’s WordPress ePortfolio.

Learning Objectives:Activities that will help me to attain this objectiveWhat my sponsor/subcontractors will evaluate
To learn about the design of variety trials, including planning, preparation, and cultivation, through application.  The student will create a design and protocols for an S. aethiopicum ‘Gilo’ variety trial, utilizing the text “The Grower’s Guide to Conducting On-farm Variety Trials” by Organic Seed Alliance. The student will prepare the field according to the variety trial design. Special attention will be paid to soil preparation and amendments, bed preparation, and irrigation. The student will sow the seeds for the variety trial and transplant them into the field at the appropriate time  A final report on the design and methodology of the S. aethiopicum ‘Gilo’ replicated variety trial. Notes and progress posted to an ePortfolio with weekly blog posts and consistent APA documentation
To learn how to design and implement a germination study of the varieties of S. aethiopicum ‘Gilo’ being grown for the trial.  The student will design, implement, and document a germination study of the varieties being grown in the trial, utilizing the paper “Enhancement of seed germination in the African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum)” by Deonice Amini Mshida. He student will use Excel statistical analysis on collected data to produce a conclusive paper explaining the experiment’s parameters and findings.A final report on the germination study’s design, methodology, and outcomes. Notes and progress posted to an ePortfolio with weekly blog posts and consistent APA documentation.
To learn how to design and implement a vigor study of the varieties of S. aethiopicum ‘Gilo’ being grown for the trial  The student will design, implement, and document a vigor study of the varieties being grown in the trial, utilizing the text Agricultural Field Experiments: Design and Analysis by Roger G. Peterson. The student will use Excel statistical analysis on collected data to produce a conclusive paper explaining the experiment’s parameters and findings.A final report on the vigor study’s design, methodology, and outcomes. Notes and progress posted to an ePortfolio with weekly blog posts and consistent APA documentation
To learn about Solanum aethiopicum ‘Gilo’, including botanical information, growth, agricultural best practices, pest pressures, and disease issues surrounding the crop.  The student will search for relevant literature concerning S. aethiopicum ‘Gilo’ and evaluate sources to identify themes, debates, and gaps in the literature. The student will write a scientific literature review for the crop, demonstrating familiarity with the topic and its scholarly context.A literature review focused on S. aethiopicum ‘Gilo’. Notes and progress posted to an ePortfolio with weekly blog posts and consistent APA documentation